Thursday, August 12, 2010


I see all of you people in blogland still creating, painting and having a wee of a time crafting stuff...  Here is what I want to know...  WHERE THE HECK DO YOU ALL LIVE???  I live in Minnesota and this summer has been a tropical nightmare.  We have had nothing but rain and high temperatures for at least a month.  It is a steamy hot mess up here.  I haven't lifted a paintbrush or even stepped foot in my garage for a very long time.  It doesn't help that I work in a place that has little to no air conditioning so it is hot and sticky in there all day as well.  All I want to do when I get home from work is lay down in my nice cool basement and read a book.
Oh wait, what is that I see? Next weeks forecast calls for temps in the mid 70s.  Better start making my list now of things I would like to get caught up on cuz the garage door is going up and I will be back in business!
Praying for cooler weather,

Just saw this in my Facebook Friend's post thought I would share
it is NOT supposed to be this hot up here!

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